Innovative work behavior Wenn man sich die Nachrichten ansieht, die Steve Jobs, die Jeff Bezos dieser Welt könnte man meinen, dass innovatives Verhalten geschlechtsspezifisch ist. Zheng, Kark & Meister (2018) proposed a theoretical model to explain how female managers differently experience and cope with agency-communion tensions.
Mindfulness is a trend. Montani und Forschungskollegen (2020) haben sich dem Thema Achtsamkeit und innovatives Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz über die Frage nach der adäquaten Arbeitsbelastung genähert. Martín-Hernández et al. (2020) bring an additional aspect to the table due to their study set-up. As they examined job-control and mindfulness separately but at the same time
Imran Ali looked in his study at two aspects. On the one hand personality traits and on the other hand the satisfaction with life concerning innovativeness. Ali (2018) who looked into the connection between certain character traits and innovativeness using the big-five personality traits theory found that extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness as well as openness
Spiegelaere et al (2018) looked at innovative work behavior and performance-related pay. The findings are ambivalent and show again that there is not one simple answer and that the context matters. Even though it might be tempting to see compensation schemes as a quick fix – it is not. This might also be the case