Empowering Employees with Positivity and Creative Confidence to Navigate Discontinuous Competition in the Evolving Hotel Industry In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, where competition can emerge from the most unexpected corners, continuous innovation has become the key to survival. As the hospitality industry faces unprecedented challenges, securing innovative work behavior (IWB) from employees has become
Transforming Leadership Through the Synergy of Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Fit to Spark Innovation in Education In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the quest for fostering innovative work behavior (IWB) among teachers has become a paramount concern. A recent study by Sudibjo and Prameswari (2021) delves into the intricate interplay between transformational leadership (TL), person-organization
A Role Identity Perspective on Slash Careers and Hybrid Forms of Working An growing share of workers, especially millennials, piece together income from traditional jobs supplemented by “side hustles” as freelancers, entrepreneurs, artists, and consultants in slash type careers (e.g., teacher-musician-freelancer). This identity hybridity breeds psychological tensions, however. Integrating role identity theory, this paper argues
Wie Gründen Armut bekämpfen kann. Wenn in der Entwicklungshilfe das Credo „Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe“ gilt, dann gilt dies auch für Entrepreneurship. Statt „Brot für die Welt“ könnte es heißen, Entrepreneurship für die Welt. Unternehmensgründungsförderung als Mittel zur Armutsbekämpfung in afrikanischen Ländern ist gut untersucht, neu sind diese Ansätze auch für entwickelte Länder.
Unsere Vorstellung vom typischen Unternehmer ist verzerrt. Der Zwanzigjährige im Kapuzenpulli ist nur bedingt als Symbolbild geeignet für eine Arbeitsform, die sich immer mehr Menschen wünschen (xxx) oder bereits wählen. Während sich das mediale Rampenlicht und die Aufmerksamkeit der Wissenschaft sich auf die Einhörner oder Gazellen (Aldrich & Ruef, 2018) und den Schumpeterschen Startup-Unternehmer (Henrekson
Liu et al. (2020) researched a character trait in relation to innovative work behavior which is indeed interesting but little known: The paradox mindset. Being defined as „the extent to which one is accepting and energized by tensions“ (Miron-Spektor et al., 2018) it is naturally prone to be a fit with innovation as the innovation
Are individual innovativeness and innovative work behavior linked? Another term that frequently is dropped is individual innovativeness. How does it differ from innovative work behavior and how is it linked? Aldahdouh et al. (2019)
Innovative work behavior Wenn man sich die Nachrichten ansieht, die Steve Jobs, die Jeff Bezos dieser Welt könnte man meinen, dass innovatives Verhalten geschlechtsspezifisch ist. Zheng, Kark & Meister (2018) proposed a theoretical model to explain how female managers differently experience and cope with agency-communion tensions.
Imran Ali looked in his study at two aspects. On the one hand personality traits and on the other hand the satisfaction with life concerning innovativeness. Ali (2018) who looked into the connection between certain character traits and innovativeness using the big-five personality traits theory found that extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness as well as openness